The Spiritual Power Of Prayer

Are you maintaining a consistent prayer life?

One of the first things that the devil will attack in the life of a Christian is that person’s prayer life. The devil knows that if he can keep you from praying he can take you out of the will of GOD.

When Jesus arrived at the temple in Jerusalem and saw the merchandisers selling goods he was angry. Jesus Created a whip, overturned their tables, drove them all out of the temple and said “My Father’s house shall be called a House of Prayer but you all have made it into a den of thieves(Luke 19:46).” The Temple Of God was made to be house where people could pray, and not a place to make profits.

However, do you know where the temple of GOD is today? The temple of GOD is no longer a physical building or a church, the temple of GOD is YOU. If you have received the Holy Spirit, now GOD is in you by His Holy Spirit and you are the Temple.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible says:

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”

Christians who think that there is power in a physical building today are denying the Power of The Holy Spirit that is in them. There is power in Christians gathering together wherever they choose, but there is no power in a building.

Nevertheless, if Jesus said the Physical temple in Jerusalem was designed to be a house of prayer, and then that temple was torn down and raised in 3 days as the Body of Jesus Christ, then aren’t we who are the temple of GOD called to also be houses of prayer?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV

“Pray without ceasing.”

The Bible teaches us to pray often and keep on praying and do not give up. Your prayer is working. Our prayers are working in the spiritual world and although we don’t physically see them working they are still working in the spirit realm. You never know the small change that is happening in someone’s heart because of your prayer.

Often times the thing someone is praying for is behind a spiritual wall, and each prayer is like taking a hammer against that spiritual wall. If they continue to bang on that wall with that hammer eventually the wall will come tumbling down and the answer to the prayer will appear. However many people give up on prayer just 1 minute before the wall comes down and so they never see the answer to the prayer.

Make sure your prayer is in alignment with the will of GOD, and if it is pray often with a heart of faith and do not give up.

I once read a book in which a woman told a story about a day she had gotten off work late at night and had to walk home from her job. But on the dark road that led to her house, there was a man in the distance and she could feel that the man had evil intentions. So the woman prayed “In the name of Jesus, Heavenly Father please keep me safe from this man. I have to walk this way to get home.”

The woman then began walking and she walked passed the man and the man didn’t even make eye contact with her. The woman made it home safely and went to sleep. However, two days later that woman was reading a newspaper and on the front page of the newspaper, there was a picture of the man who was on her road the previous night. The headline said “Man Charged With Rape” and the rape happened on the same road of that woman’s house. The woman was shocked and she decided to go to the prison to visit this man. When she met with the man she asked him “How come you didn’t harm me that night? How come you harmed the next woman after me?” And the man looked at her with a surprised expression and said “Ma’am there were two strong and tall 6 foot men walking with you that night. How could I harm you?”

The woman was shocked. She didn’t see anyone walking with her, but because of her prayer, the man was able to see the two angels protecting her who were disguised as strong and tall human men. However, if the woman didn’t go to the prison to visit that man she would have never known that her prayer was successful and saved her life.

In closing.. PRAY. PRAY OFTEN. And Do not GIVE UP. Pray in the name of Jesus and make your request known to GOD. Sometimes the result of your prayers isn’t seen by things that happened, but by the things that didn’t happen.

Thank you guys for reading. You’re welcome to share this post with anyone it might help.

GOD Bless You ALL who are in Christ Jesus.

Eddie Fews

The Reason Cain Was Cursed

Do You Know Why Cain Was Cursed?

Last week I explained how the story of Adam and Eve was really a story that represents Jesus Christ and the Church. I explained that every Biblical Story is about Jesus. The Old Testament stories are actual stories of real people indeed, but they also double as spiritual allegories about Jesus, because Jesus is the WORD of GOD. Therefore every WORD from God is revealing something about Jesus. Jesus is called the “Second Adam”(1 Korintus 15:45), therefore the first Adam was merely a shadow of what was to come in Jesus. Just like all Old Testament stories. They are all shadows of the coming of Jesus Christ.

Therefore since I’ve already revealed Jesus Christ within the story of Adam and Eve, let’s now move to the next story in the series to reveal Jesus Christ within the story of Cain and Abel.

So, Cain and Abel is the story of two brothers. One Brother was Chosen, and One Brother was not. The younger brother pleased God but the Older Brother did not. The younger Brother(Abel) was Spiritual, and the Older Brother(Cain) was earthly. The younger brother Brother(Abel) was a shepherd (Like Jesus) and The older brother(Cain) was a farmer who tilled the land that had been cursed before by the sin of Adam and Eve. In this context, spiritually the younger brother(Abel) was a Jew and spiritually the older Brother(Cain) was a Gentile. Again, one was chosen and the other was rejected.

This theme of Two Brothers runs concurrently throughout the entire New Testament. Cain & Abel, Ishmael and Issac, Esau and Jacob, Ephraim and Manasseh, and most importantly Adam & Jesus. And within each reference, the older brother is always rejected and sent away, and the younger brother is chosen. The older brother is always from this world and the younger brother is always Heavenly. The Bible tells us that the natural must come first, and after the natural then comes the spiritual.

1 Corinthians 15:46
“However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.”

Just as we in these natural fleshly bodies that we are in came first, but after this life, we will receive our spiritual bodies. The natural things prepare the way for the spiritual things. Like John, The Baptize prepared the way for the coming of Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:49-50
And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.

Therefore we were all once like ADAM, like CAIN, like ISHMAEL, like ESAU, and so forth. We all once bore the image of the natural man, we were all rejected and separated from God because of sin, and now we all had to be changed when we were born again to bear the image of the Heavenly man. Like JESUS, like ABEL, like ISSAC, like JACOB, and so forth.

They were all representations of the natural man we must leave behind to inherit the blessing of the spiritual man that we inherit from Jesus Christ. For our bodies have already been corrupted due to sin and these fleshly bodies can not please God. Now those who wish to please God must worship him in SPIRIT and in Truth, and NOT through the preservation of this earthly body that will rot and turn into dust. Flesh and Blood can not enter the Kingdom of God(1 Corinthians 15:50). Therefore whether you put pork into your body or you put vegetables into your body means nothing spiritually, because these bodies will all rot and turn into dust. Whether you feed this body meat or fruit, both those who eat meat and fruit will lay next to each other in the same grave and turn to dust. And these corrupted bodies can not inherit the kingdom of heaven. It is our spirits that will rise, and our bodies will be changed.

Therefore, Cain was cursed for a few reasons:

Reason #1 – He represented the natural and earthly man. And GOD is Spirit, and therefore that which is natural and earthly can NOT please that which is spiritual. Those who worship God must worship him spiritually.

John 4:24
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Reason #2: He tried to please God with the work of his own hands.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Cain worked hard to till the land and wanted his work offering to be appreciated by God, however, the ground had been cursed after Adam and Eve sinned, and the Bible says that we are saved by grace through faith and not by works.

There are many people like this today who want their works to be appreciated by GOD. They may say “GOD, how come my life has not improved? I do everything in the Bible. I pray, I fast, I give to the needy, I stop all sin. How come you did not bless me yet?” And then these people develop resentment and jealousy toward people who appear to be blessed. Just like Cain. These people are thinking just like Cain did, and they can not please GOD.

The reason Abel pleased GOD was because he brought GOD the LAMB and the Blood of the Lamb, which was a metaphor for the coming of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice that would make atonement for our souls. Jesus is the Lamb of GOD. Abel brought a type of this sacrifice to GOD, so the reason Abel pleased GOD was because he sought to be justified by Jesus(The Lamb) and not by his own works like his brother Cain who was a farmer who wanted God to value his farming. 

Do not seek to be justified by your WORKS. When you pray tell GOD. “I don’t come to you because I pray, because I fast, or because I stopped sinning. I come to you because of JESUS. I have received an inheritance from Jesus. So be pleased me with because of JESUS only, and not because of my own efforts”

We must indeed stop sinning, we must fast, and we must pray, but don’t seek favor with GOD because of these things. Seek Favor with God only because of JESUS. The remaining things are the things you are supposed to do, not things you should receive credit for. Be credited due to the blood of Jesus paying for your sins and nothing else.

Reason #3: He persecuted his brother. Just as Ishmael persecuted Issac, and Esau wanted to kill Jacob, and those fleshly Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus. The natural and earthy hates that which is spiritual. The natural man will persecute the spiritual man which is why the Bible says:

2 Timothy 3:12 “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”

Therefore the story of Cain and Abel is the story of The Natural Man, Persecuting the Spiritual man. Cain was a type of Pharisee wanting to be Justified by the works of the Law, and Abel was a type of Jesus, who was killed by the Natural man because he was a Spiritual Man.

The curse Cain received is this:

Genesis 4:12
“When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.”

Those who seek to be justified before GOD by their own works can also come under this same curse. They can feel like “No matter how hard they try nothing changes”. Be careful not to be like Cain, put down your works and pick up your Cross. Put your faith in Jesus alone for justification before GOD, not your own efforts.

God bless you all who are in Christ Jesus.

Eddie Fews

The Mystery Of Behind Adam & Eve (Christ and The Church)

Greetings Christian Family,

When we read the Old Testament in the Bible, we have to understand that now that Jesus Christ has been revealed, now we can read the Old Testament with the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh, so you have to understand that the entire Old Testament is about Jesus. We cannot read the Old Testament like the Pharisees who were able to understand the meaning behind the letter, but were unable to understand the spirit behind the letter.

Let me explain: Jesus told the Pharisees

John 5:46
For if you believed in Moses, you would also believe in Me, because he wrote about Me.

Jesus told the Pharisees that “Moses wrote about Me…” But where? Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, but Jesus is not mentioned in the first 5 books of the Bible. But what if I told you that Moses wrote about Jesus, because every story in the Old Testament is a metaphor about Jesus? When the Pharisees read the Old Testament, they thought they were reading about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, etc. but they didn’t know that they were actually reading about Jesus. That’s why they couldn’t receive Jesus when He came because they were unable to see Jesus inside the Old Testament the entire time. They didn’t have spiritual eyes or understanding, they only had physical eyes and a fleshly understanding.

Let’s look at an example:

Let me reveal Jesus Christ to you in the story of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve is the story of Jesus Christ and his church. The Bible says the church is the bride of Jesus. With that information let me ask… Who is guilty of sin? Jesus or the Church? And Who committed the first sin, Adam or Eve? It was Adam’s bride (Eve/church) who sinned. And Adam then took responsibility for Eve’s sin by also eating the forbidden fruit. The Bible teaches a man should love his wife as Jesus loved his church.

See below:

1 Timothy 2:13-14 – “For Adam was created first, then Eve. Moreover, it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into sin.”

Adam was created without sin. Adam did not know any sin until his bride sinned and he bore her sin. Does this sound familiar?

Take a look:

2 Corinthians 5:21 – “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Remember the church is the “bride of Christ” and Jesus took away our sins because we have all sinned and eaten the apple of this world. So Jesus came down and took away our sins so we could be saved. There is much more that needs to be explained, but this story is also a metaphor for Jesus taking on the bride’s sins.

Adam and Eve


When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid themselves and covered them with fig leaves (remember Jesus cursed the fig tree), they covered their shame with leaves, and what did God do before He took them out of the Garden? He made clothes for them from animal skins.

Genesis 3:21
And the LORD GOD made clothes of animal skins for the man and for his wife, and put them on them.

The animal skins represented the sacrificial lamb that would be necessary to cover their sins. It is a metaphor for clothing them with Christ.

GOD did not throw them out of the garden to punish them. In the Garden there was a “Tree of Life” therefore if Adam and Eve ate from the tree of life after they sinned, they would be trapped living in their sin forever. Because the tree will give them eternal life in the sins they live in. So they will be separated forever from GOD. GOD took them out of the garden to save them.

So that through the Lamb (Jesus) GOD makes them clothes of skin and the whole world will be saved. This reveals the entire story of Adam and Eve is about Jesus (Adam) and the Bride/Church (Eve) That’s how we read the Old Testament as born-again Christians with the knowledge of Christ’s revelation So we must read the Old Testament through the lens of Jesus’ revelation and do not read it in a worldly way like the Pharisees who did not understand the mysteries of the holy scriptures.

The story of Adam and Eve is about Jesus. The story of Cain and Abel is about Jesus. Job’s story is about Jesus. Joesph’s story is about Jesus. The story of King Solomon is about Jesus. Every story in the Old Testament is a metaphor about Jesus. Most people in the Old Testament did not know this because Jesus had not yet come, but now that He has come, let us also learn to unravel this mystery and reveal Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.

GOD bless you all who are in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Eddie Fews