When I Finally Had An Encounter With GOD

When I was a child I remember going to church and watching people worship GOD and sing songs, but I did not understand why people were worshiping. I was also taught to sing and worship but I did not understand why. To me, it seemed like Singing and worshiping was almost like a cultural formality. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me, and I didn’t fully connect with it emotionally at the time. As a teenager, I connected better with more secular songs that I could relate to because those songs spoke about my life experience. Before, I couldn’t relate to worship songs, I only sang the worship songs because my church and parents taught me to. It appeared to me that singing was just something people did so that they could go to Heaven when they died.

I did not understand these things for most of my life, because at that time I still had not had an encounter with GOD for myself. I thought if I sang enough songs, prayed enough prayers, and read enough of the Bible then eventually maybe I would have an encounter with GOD. I thought I could “earn” my encounter with GOD…However, it didn’t happen like that.

I didn’t experience GOD until I was truly ready to surrender my entire life to do the will of GOD. I didn’t experience GOD until I gave up all my ambitions, my hopes, my dreams, my future plans, and my personal desires. I didn’t experience GOD until I was willing to forsake all that I had. I didn’t experience GOD until I could say from my heart “Not my will, Not my plan. Your will GOD. Your plan for my life.”

The day I experienced GOD was the day I took my life planner journal and set it on fire, because I wanted God’s plan. The day I experienced GOD was the day I walked away from my 6 figure career because it didn’t please GOD. The day I experienced GOD was the day GOD revealed to me that I wasn’t a good person like I thought, but that I was a sinner worthy of death. The day I experienced GOD was the day I cried in deep anguish in repentance because my sins were revealed to me.

That day I vomited for almost two hours all over my bedroom floor all the poison and evil that sin had built up in my body. That day I begged GOD to have mercy on my soul because I was afraid. That day evil spirits that caused me to be Prideful, Greedy, Selfishly Ambitious, Lustful, Arrogant, and more all came out of my body while I lay on the ground vomiting. That day I understood everything I thought about myself was all a lie. That day for the first time in my life I understood the reason people sing and worship GOD.

Have you ever seen a group of men watching a soccer game, and the moment their favorite team scores a goal all the men jump up at the same time and scream? Did they plan to jump up and scream at the same time or did it just happen naturally? What about when a singer with a beautiful voice sings a ballad and at the end people cry and give applause? Do all the people plan to clap and cry at the same time or did it just happen naturally? What about a comedy show, do all the people plan to laugh at the same time or does it just happen?

Why is this? Because when in the presence of an amazing talent or ability people lose control and collectively all respond the same way. Without even thinking or trying people react and respond. They laugh, shout, cry, jump, and roar all in unison without a plan or agreement.

Therefore if the abilities and feats of human beings make people jump, scream and shout without a second thought, what would happen if you were in the presence of the Almighty GOD? The Bible calls GOD the King of Glory and his glory is such an amazing thing to behold that even the Angels use two of their wings to cover their faces.

I’ve seen women and men crying, hyperventilating, and fainting when meeting their favorite Pop star. Could you imagine if you met GOD? If a human being that you share a likeness with could a person cry and faint what would the presence of GOD do to you?

When you encounter the presence of GOD worship is not a conscious choice. Worship is the only natural response and reaction to beholding something so glorious. We can’t even look at the sun without squinting, and that’s the work of GOD’s hands.. Could imagine GOD?

I haven’t seen the fullness of GOD’s glory with my eyes, the Bible says no man can see GOD and live(Exodus 33:20), however, when I was born again the revelation of the glory and goodness of GOD was revealed in my heart. And when that happened I feel down naturally just like anyone would and I cried and I sang, and I worshiped.

Therefore in closing: If you were to combine all the most beautiful sunsets, the brightest stars, the most beautiful voices, and everything you have ever found exciting into one moment it wouldn’t come close to a fraction of the Glory of GOD. We don’t worship GOD because we want to go to Heaven, we worship GOD for the same reasons sports fans scream when their team scores a goal. Worship is the only reaction possible when you encounter the presence of GOD. It’s not a conscious choice or a thought, it’s a natural reaction to beholding something so amazing, so wonderful, and so glorious.

If you are reading this today, pray that the revelation of God’s goodness, love, and glory will be revealed in your heart. And when that prayer is answered you’ll lose all control and fall down and worship.

That’s all for today friends.

God bless you all who are in Christ Jesus.

Eddie Fews

The Hidden Power Of Fasting

The Hidden Power Of Fasting:

While other religious groups are beginning to enter their time of fasting I want to emphasize the importance of fasting for Christians.

Fasting is a practice that is engaged in by every group of religious people on the earth who are serious about spirituality. Jews fast, Muslims fast, and Christians Fast. I’ve even heard stories of shamans and sorcerers doing prolonged fasting in order to summon certain evil spirits. And it’s unfortunate that nowadays the groups that serve false gods seem to take fasting a lot more seriously than many Christians who serve the only true GOD.

When we look into the Bible we can see that Moses fasted for 40 days(Exodus 34:28), Elijah fasted for 40 Days(1 Kings 19:8), and Jesus fasted for 40 days(Matthew 4:2). Daniel fasted for 21 Days eating only fruits and vegetables(Daniel 10:2-3) Esther and Israel fasted for 3 days and 3 nights without food or water(Esther 4:16), Samuel fasted, Ezra fasted, David Fasted, Nineveh Fasted and even the livestock in Nineveh was forced to fast, and many more figures throughout the Bible practiced fasting.

Do you know there is a story in the Bible in which the Disciples of Jesus had an encounter with an evil spirit that was traumatizing a little boy, and when the disciples tried to remove the evil spirit from the boy they were unable to remove it. However when Jesus came he removed the evil spirit from the boy and when the disciples asked Jesus why they were not able to remove the evil spirit from the boy, Jesus responded by saying:

Matthew 17:21 “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Unfortunately, many modern translations of the Bible have removed the word “Fasting” from this passage and have only left the word “Prayer” remaining but the most original translations include the word “Fasting” in the passage.

Nevertheless, what this means is, that it’s possible there are people who are suffering from things that they may have prayed about over and over but still haven’t seen results because they still have not fasted. I will say for the majority of evil spirits and other problems fasting is not required (although it could expedite the process). However, fasting combined with prayer could be needed to overcome special and intense situations.

In the Bible GOD pronounced Judgment on Ahab because of the murder, theft he committed against an innocent man as well as other wicked deeds. The Bible says Ahab did more evil in the eyes of THE LORD than any of the men before him. However, when GOD pronounced a judgment on Ahab that Ahab and his kingdom would be destroyed do you know what Ahab did next? Let’s read it…

1 Kings 21:27 “So it was, when Ahab heard those words, that he tore his clothes and put sackcloth on his body, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about mourning.”

The Bible says when Ahab heard his judgement he tore his clothes and began fasting! FASTING. And do you know what happened after GOD saw that Ahab fasted?! Look what GOD says in verse 29:

1 Kings 21:29 “See how Ahab has humbled himself before Me? Because he has humbled himself before Me, I will not bring the calamity in his days. In the days of his son I will bring the calamity on his house.”

GOD said that because Ahab fasted and humbled himself GOD would not bring the disaster in the day of Ahab, but the disaster would come at a later time in his lineage. Therefore if fasting could cause GOD to spare a man who did more evil in the sight of GOD than anyone before him what could fasting do for me and you who are the children of GOD?

Fasting is a form of humbling ourselves and acknowledging our dependency on GOD’s mercy for survival. Fasting is us saying “We will not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of GOD.(Mattew 4;4)”. Fasting is us saying “We can take a break from drinking water because GOD has given us LIVING WATER(John 7:38)”

Many of us exercise our physical bodies but we do not exercise our spiritual bodies. A man can be in tiptop physical shape, but be spiritually obese— unable to pray, unable to fast, and falling asleep anytime he tries to read the Bible.

Fasting is a form of exercise for your spirit. It’s a way to weaken the flesh so that the spiritual body will increase in strength. The Bible says:

Galatians 5:17 “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.”

The flesh desires you to eat, while the spirit desires for you to fast. I’m sure you feed your physical body, but do you feed your spirit through abstinence? If we are to be strong along this journey both the flesh and the spirit must be taken care of. The Apostle Paul says he disciplines his body so that the desires of his flesh are kept at bay, lest he be disqualified from the gifts of eternal life(1 Corinthians 9:27).

In Closing:

There are many people who may feel lost like they don’t know what to do about their situation, or like they don’t have hope for the future. People may feel like they’ve tried everything and nothing has worked… But have you tried to stop eating? And drinking? You may feel stuck and feel you have no motivation to do much, but what about the motivation to stop eating? Even if you did nothing the entire day, but committed to fasting I believe you would begin to see a change in your situation.

Maybe you don’t have a good education, maybe you’re not a good businessman, maybe you’re not very athletic, maybe you don’t have ambition, maybe you live in a small village far from big opportunities… But can you fast? Can you fast and pray for GOD to change your situation? If you can do this, I believe you can experience change, whatever your circumstances.

For those who feel they don’t know what to do…Try Fasting.

That’s all for today guys.

God Bless You all who are in Christ Jesus.

Eddie Fews

The Power Of The Blood Of Jesus

The Power Of The Blood Of Jesus

All throughout the world since the beginning of mankind, humans have understood the spiritual significance of blood. The majority of religious groups throughout the world have all engaged in some form of animal sacrifice. Israelite was commanded to make sacrifices for atonement for their souls because the Bible states that the wages of sin is death(Romans 6:23) and where there is sin, something must die in the place of the sinner.

Leviticus 17:11
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’”

The Bible also teaches that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins because everything must be cleansed with blood.

Hebrews 9:22
“And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.”

And although the Bible has explained the proper usage of blood in the. Old Testament, many other religious groups used blood at that time for their own purposes. Even today many religious groups still engage in the practice of shedding blood. Witches that practice black magic and voodoo ritually sacrifice goats, chickens, cats, etc, and offer the blood to evil spirits in exchange for some service from the evil spirit. The Bible commands humans to never eat blood because the Bible says LIFE is in the blood of a creature, and we are not to consume another animal’s LIFE. We drain the blood and only consume the meat.

Deuteronomy 12:23
“Only be sure that you do not eat the blood, for the blood is the life; you may not eat the life with the meat.”

However because LIFE is in blood and evil spirits are DEAD, blood acts as a form of currency in the spiritual realm. Therefore dead evil spirits receive “life” by a human making an animal sacrifice, and in exchange for this payment of blood, they perform a service for the human.

Practitioners of witchcraft offer blood and other religious groups engage in this practice of offering blood also. Muslims offer an animal sacrifice once a year and offer blood to their god Allah in an event that’s called “Qurbani” in which they make an animal sacrifice once a year of a goat, sheep, cow or camel because of who they call “Ibrahim”.

Hindus have various different sacrifices in which they offer blood to the gods that they serve. One practice in particular that’s even done in Bali is called The Resi Gana, or ‘Bhuta Yadnya’ in which a specific dog is sacrificed to “preserve the harmony between nature and humans”

Even in Israel now the Jews are rebuilding the Third Temple in which they will begin making animal sacrifices of “The Red Heifer” as they prepare for the coming of the messiah they are waiting on.

However, do you know who is which religion never has and never will partake in any animal sacrifices? Christians. And do you know why? Because Jesus was our sacrifice once and for all. Jesus is called the Lamb of GOD and the Bible says that GOD provided the sacrifice as Abraham told Issac that GOD would do(Kejadian 22:8). GOD sent his only begotten son into the earth as an offering to make atonement for the sins of the whole world.

Hebrews 9:28
“so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many…”

Hebrews 10:10
“By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”

Christians don’t make sacrifices because Jesus was the final sacrifice. He paid all the debt, he finished the work so that humans would never need to shed blood again to make atonement. Jesus atoned for us so that we can be Holy and clean and now through Jesus we can now approach the throne of GOD.

Our GOD did not require us to make any more sacrifices. Our GOD made the sacrifices for us. Humans once killed their own animals to save themselves, but our GOD sent his own son to be killed to save us. Do you see the difference?

And Jesus didn’t only die for us, but he also resurrected from the dead so that he stands as a living sacrifice for us for all eternity. We don’t need any more sacrifices but the sacrifice made for us is STILL LIVING. He has RISEN. He gave his life on the cross two thousand years ago and was resurrected from the dead 3 days later and now he meditates between us and GOD.

1 Timothy 2:5
“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,”

Jesus paid our debt in his own blood and he is the LIVING testimony of this finished work. A sacrifice has to be spotless and without blemish(sinless), and therefore Jesus was born of a virgin so that he did not inherit the sins of human men that humans inherit from their earthy Fathers. The Bible says the life of any creature is in their blood, and if Jesus is the SON of GOD that came down from heaven in his blood was eternal life, that eternally paid for the sins of the whole world forevermore. So all those who put their faith in Jesus and believe in his death, burial, and resurrection will receive this payment for their sins and be saved.

The wages of sin is death, so the dead must go with the dead. Therefore when a human commits sin they are separated from GOD who is the source of LIFE. And are now the human is spiritually dead(Luke 9:60). Therefore when that person dies who will they be with? The living that is in heaven or the dead that is in hell? Unless their sins are paid for they are the walking dead, physically still breathing but spiritually dead and separate from GOD who is the source of all life. However, Jesus paid the debt of death for us so that we could be reconciled back to GOD and have life.

There is nothing else needed, Jesus has already finished the work. Anyone still making sacrifices is testifying that the work is not finished, they still are trying to gain something through shedding blood, because they don’t know that GOD loved you so much that he shed the blood of his own SON for you, so that you could be saved. No more blood is needed. As Jesus said in John 19:30: “It is finished”

John 19:30
“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”

The work is already finished. Put your faith in Jesus so that you can be saved. The Bible says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that GOD raised him from the dead you shall be saved(Romans 10:9-13). The wages of sin is death and Jesus died in your place.

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

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God bless you all who are in Christ Jesus.

Eddie Fews