Recently I was asked a question by a woman about the person named Junia(Romans 16:7) mentioned in the Bible, whom Paul comments were “outstanding amongst the Apostles.” The woman was asking whether or not I believed women could be Apostles considering what Paul said about Junia.
Let me first state that I understand why this question is coming up because there has been a surge of new people both women and men who appear to be operating in “spiritual gifts.” So if women can’t be apostles how could the power of God appear to be with them if they’re functioning in a ministry that was not meant for them? These ideas and questions are all valid and I want to address them today by letting the reader into a conversation I had with the women I wrote about above on this very topic.
Here is her original question:
But I am more interested in your comment that “women cannot be in the ministry of apostleship.” Can you say more about that? I know it’s not common, and was a definite NO in the OT, but there is a female apostle in the New Testament, and many women in ministry today, so would love your thoughts behind that. What am I missing? Thank you
My Response:
Thanks for the fast response.I am! I read that Andronicus and Junias were possibly a husband and wife team, and in my Bible they are noted as outstanding among the apostles. When it comes to the scripture around the role of women, I have always believed things to have changed from OT to NT, but this is an area I need to more deeply explore.
There is of course so much more that can be said on this topic, but I believe this particular write is already long enough as it is. God bless you all who are in Christ Jesus The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I hope this write up has found you well. If you have any questions, opinions or concerns you’re more than welcome to comment down below or email me at [email protected].
God Bless
Eddie Fews
Do you have questions? Do you need prayer? Do you need deliverance from unclean spirits? Email me: [email protected]