3 Hour Masculinity & Purpose Discovery Courses
Price : $75 Pay Now
Class #6: Seeking God With A Pure Heart – 11/22/2023
Time : 1:00pm to 4:00pm PST / 4:00pm to 7:00pm Eastern Time
Class #9: King Solomon The Wisest Man That Ever Lived – 12/28/2022
Time : 1:00pm to 4:00pm PST / 4:00pm to 7:00pm Eastern Time
Class #10: The Masculine & Feminine Roles Given By God – 1/31/2023
Time : 1:00pm to 4:00pm PST / 4:00pm to 7:00pm Eastern Time
Sign up Now and You Will Be Emailed The Video Link and Downloadable PDF to Class #1 (The Pitfalls of Being A Promiscuous Male) completely Free.
Details :
This Subscription will consist of one 3 Hour Class to be held online each month. This month class #10 will go live on January 31, 2023. Classes that air during the 3rd of each month and will commence at 1pm to 4pm pst / 4pm to 7pm Eastern time. The video “PlayBack” will be available for subscribers up to 14 days after the original date of the course.
Class Details :
Manhood and discovery of purpose is one of the biggest issues that seem to be tugging at men and women today. Do you know why you are alive? Do you know for which purpose you were created? Many people will attempt to drown themselves in drugs, alcohol, sex, or selfish ambition to compensate for the void they feel from not having a true defined purpose in which they find fulfillment. If you’ve ever asked yourself what’s the point of life? Or is this it? Just school, work, save, and then pass on? Nothing else? Then these are the classes for you.
I found my purpose through Jesus Christ when I discovered my life pursuit of women, selfish ambitions, and traveling the world would be all vanity when it was all said and done. It would profit me nothing in the next life, I was being called to changed my life, and decided to take up after the commands and instructions given by the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
In January’s Class, I will be discussing The Masculine & Feminine Roles Given By God
Questions that will be addressed:
Who made the man and women? And for what reason were they created? And how does the creator of it all expect Men and Women to function?
When did all of this get lost in translation? Was it during the feminist movement when women demanded rights that were previously only given to men? Have men been oppressing women for thousands of years by not allowing them to be men? Did you know that the majority of women were not in favor of feminism? That it was a small minority that fought to change the lives of women that were too busy with their own families to pay much attention to the changes that were happening? Should women be voting, living alone, and working outside the home?
In this class, we will cover the current state of Men and Women, while defining what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman by the standards we have been given by God. No longer must a man think he has the inside scoop on what it means to be a man when God has already given it to us. Let us not conform to our own standards but to the standards given when human life was established on the earth.
Sign up now with the “Pay NOW” button at the top of the page or the button below and an email will be sent to the email address attached to your PayPal account. If your PayPal email differs from your primary email after making the payment email me immediately at [email protected] and ill personally get all that information right over to you.
This is a subscription-based service with one reoccurring monthly payment. To become an official active member of the program click the “Google Play” tab below if you’re on Android/PC or the “Apple Icon” if you’re on iPhone/Apple, Or Just Click “Pay Now”.
If you have any further questions email me now at [email protected]